Congress Rahul Gandhi

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Full text of Sh. Rahul Gandhi’s speech at Salumbar, Dist. Udairpur, Rajasthan

I extend my warm welcome to all of you.

There are two different types of political ideology at present. – one is that of Congress and the other is of the opposition. The opposition says India’s development will come with huge bridges, long roads and airplanes. We agree, but there is one more thing. We say that the country’s progress is only possible if we ensure the welfare and upliftment of the poor, the dalits … only if the people who build these bridges and these roads, are empowered.
What we believe is that country cannot develop just by building roads, railway lines, airports and other things. Country will not move forward until the people who put in their hard work for building this infrastructure get sufficient food and adequate medical facilities. This is the difference between the Congress and other opposition parties.

The opposition parties talk big and attack Congress.  I will explain my response to such attacks with a story - A story of a guru-sishya relation which was prevailing in our tradition thousands of years back. Once, a guruji was teaching his disciples. He was an old person and very learned. While he was teaching, suddenly another person came to him and showered abuses on Guruji. That person continued attacking the Guru with false allegations and wrong facts for 10-15 minutes but Guru ji did not utter any word in return and maintained his calm. Soon after the person left, the disciples asked Guru ji why he kept mum and did not respond to the abuses. Then Guruji replied “See.. that person came with a gift for me – his anger. He offered it to me but I did not accept it. He shouted for 10-15 minutes but of no use. He went back with his anger, and I am doing my duties.”

Similarly, I will not say anything wrong about anyone. Let the opposition abuse us, attack us. They are free to do so. No matter how much you (the opposition) criticise us, we won’t accept it because we are Congress soldiers, we work for the country. We are fighting for our nation. Our dream is the dream of our country. We are fighting for the poor people in the country.  I want to crush my dreams and to make your dreams mine. 

Now please let me tell something about you. Here too you can figure out the differences in thoughts between us and the opposition parties. What we consider is that India is a bouquet with different flowers. We want all the flowers to shine be it Hindu, Sikh, Muslim or Adivasi or anyone. We want to take everyone along. We want the voice of Adivasis are heard.

The UPA government at the centre implemented several welfare policies like MNREGA for the benefit of the poor. The opposition kept on asking from where we will have the funds for those. But we showed them how to do it.  Wherever you go in our country, the poor will agree that the Congress government gave them the right to job and thus respect.

Now we have moved one step further. We have passed the bill granting the right to food –food security bill.  The opposition tried all their best to block it. They stalled the parliament, adopted various tactics. But committed Sonia Ji and Manmohan Ji put in their best efforts and got the Bill passed.. Thus, we have now guaranteed right to food to every citizen in our country. 

This is not a small achievement. It is for the first time in our history that such a law is passed to make our country hunger-free..  Girija Vyasji had just raised a slogan – we will have half a roti and will support Congress.. This is an old slogan.. the new correct slogan would be ‘we will have 3-4 roties and will vote for Congress..; because now, no one will sleep hungry in our country.
Gehlot ji had just said about state government scheme to distribute free medicines for the poor. Few days back, I was just interacting with some labour workers in Uttar Pradesh and asked them to tell me something about their lives. They said they worked hard, fell sick and had to spend their income on medicines. This is the pathetic situation prevailing.

But what is our government doing? Our government in Rajasthan and Karnataka are supplying free medicines to those poor..  So the new slogan for us will be “We will have enogh food, we will have 100 days job, will have free medicines and will bring Congress”.

Certain people who sit in Delhi’s palatial rooms think that the poor people are a burden. The same is the case with our opposition.. they also think the same way.. they consider that the people like Adivasis,  Dalits and backwards are a burden for them.. But we (Congress) think differently. We know that if the country has developed, that is because of the sweat and blood of these people who are assembled in front of me here – the dalits, adivasis, farmers and the poor. If we cannot help these people, if we can’t ensure their welfare and empowerment, then we do not have to be politics. This is the vision of the Congress.

Ashok Gehlot has opened a new university for adivasis? Why did we do so? We want the young generation of adivasis are properly educated so that they can surge ahead and be self reliant. We built railway lines worth Rs. 1200 cr. We did so to connect the adivasis with the outside world. Similarly we opened training centres for adivasis to provide them with adequate skill development techniques so that they also could take part in the process of development.
Congress trusts you (the adivasis). We value your efforts; we know that it is because of your hard work, our country progresses.. No development is possible without you.. But the opposition does not think so..

What was the case with the tribals at Niyamgiri in Orissa? They used to worship the hills. But some businessmen forcibly grabbed their land without even asking them, under the earlier BJP- BJD rule. We fought for the rights of the tribals. We passed the Land Acquisition Bill to pass any such forcible acquisition. We brought this bill to ensure the rights of the poor and adivasis in their lands.  We want to give you your rights as we know that then only you will be empowered and the country will develop.

Rajiv Gandhi implemented Panchayati Raj.. He did so to empower the people at grass roots. He wants decision on any development works in villages be taken at villages itself and not at Delhi or anywhere else. Similarly the people in the villages should get their rights in their lands.. We are just ensuring that rights.. We will continue to fight for you.

Why the opposition parties are angry with us? Opposition is angry because they know that the Congress is supported by the poor and the aam aadmi.  They also know that any fight against the Congress would be a fight against the poor people and they cannot win. The Congress along with Gandhi Ji fought the English and they had to flee from the country.  We are still here and we will not go anywhere. We will continue to fight for the people..

I have come here to tell you just one thing. You have your soldier sitting in Delhi. You fight for your rights here and I am there in Delhi to raise your voice in Lok Sabha and I assure that you will get your rights.. The next government will be of the poor, by the poor and for the poor.. a government which ensures your rights.. and that is of the Congress party.
Thank you.

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