Congress Rahul Gandhi

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A tribute to Rajiv Gandhi

Rajiv Gandhi used to say that he has a vision to see India at the pinnacle of her glory and march forward as a country knitted in the fabric of democracy. He was always concerned about the delivery system and he used to say that funds earmarked for rural development hardly reach at the grass roots. He aimed at rectifying this flow and Panchayati Raj in an effective manner was his brainchild. In the field of agriculture, new advances have been made with modern set of equipments and a supportive technology for optimum utilization of resources for maximum output.

If India today is at the threshold of being a great economic power, a resurgent middle-class with a great purchasing power, we have to acknowledge the lead role that Rajiv Gandhi had played. He will always be remembered with love and respect. He has made his place in history as a man who led the break-through of India into a vibrant global economic power.

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